Tag Archives: pinnacles

Notes from the couch after the road.

Hello, road. Good to see you again.

It’s been a few months since I’ve strayed too far from home, so it’s good to be on the move again. I even managed to drag along my beloved friend/photographer (and not the other way around) James, who I’ve known since high school. He’s good. Damn good. So check out his blog if you haven’t already.

And so, after little planning and improper packing, we headed South taking the coastal road when we could and less gas-whorish freeways at night, crashing at random campgrounds and the homes of friends and family until we made it to our southernmost destination: San Diego.

Our way back North will be inland through Joshua Tree, Mojave and Yosemite where we will attempt to get our Ansel on.

But first,


The Northern Californian coastline is worth the winding drive.

James standing amongst the Redwoods.

Our first night of camping on the northern coast near Orick.

After making camp in the dark we awoke to this view of the lagoon.

Sutro Baths

The streets of San Francisco

James photographing off the roof of my truck in Pinnacles Monument Park.

James and Mark, another buddy from high school and college who now lives in LA and let us crash at his house.

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